in bondage







Laran slaves will strive to walk the tightrope of being pleasing and interesting company while also not over-stepping their bounds in the doings.  Without interrupting the conversations of the Free, they will at the same time not sit inert like boring lumps, with either extreme being judged as unpleasing.  In public settings, Lara’s city slaves will generally be noticed more by their engaging non-verbal behavior (actions, musings, and other thought bubble stuff) than by their speech. 


Of course, there is a time and place for most things, and exceptions to the above norms as well.  For example, there are times when the ~best~ way a slave might show her interest in a guest, as well as communicate about Lara and ways to best enjoy time in Our Home Stone, would be through verbal engagement and pleasing conversation.



City slaves with the privilege of travel will upon their first visit to other Home Stones learn the cultural expectations (House Rules) and then behave to completely conform to them.  If visiting a Home Stone where begging for slave entry is expected, Laran slaves will beg, and do so beautifully.



Slaves are not obligated to respond to "summonings" through instant message protocols such as ICQ by those not Citizens of Lara, and slaves may inform the summoners that they are not at that time available, as always, doing so as pleasingly as they can.



Except for specified exceptions on an individual basis, slaves will have no sexual limitations in their service to Citizens of ~Recognized~ Gorean Palace Home Stones.  These Home Stones are the ones listed in our Map Link Room.


In Lara, sexual service will ONLY be performed in Private or Password-protected areas, such as the Tent Complex.  Also, such service is not permitted within the slave cells. 


Outside Lara, sexual service is ONLY allowed in ~Recognized~ Gorean Palace Home Stones, and there only within areas specified as acceptable by their House Rules.



Any Free Person causing a slave towards doing ~anything~ that violates her instructions should be clearly informed by the slave of her limitations in a pleasing, and if need be apologetic, manner.


Slaves will aggressively FLEE from any Free Person who, after being informed, knowingly attempts to force the slaves into actions against their restrictions.  In the most severe cases, this might even include disengaging from the palace. 


Any case of slave misuse should be taken in the swiftest and most urgent manner to the highest-ranking available Laran Citizen.


slave rules page 1